Everything You Need To Know About The 1st & Only Black Female Collaborative Cannabis Oracle Deck
How you can be one of the first to get your hands on the next Amazon Best Seller from Liminal 11.
Liminal 11 released their 2021–2022 catalog this week online with a new deck that is truly the first of its kind. They currently hold the Top 2 spots on the Amazon Best Sellers list under the Tarot category with The Modern Witch Tarot and Cosmic Slumber Tarot.
The beautifully curated catalog is viewable here and contains a “Previews 2022” section with The Metaphysical Cannabis Oracle Deck getting its soft launch into the world. Illustrated by Ejiwa Ebenebe (Edge) and authored by Maggie Wilson (that’s me!), the description says “An oracle deck to cultivate intentional rituals and transport you beyond intergalactic mastery.”
This will be the world’s first black female-created and designed- cannabis tarot/oracle deck to be widely available (on Amazon and in the UK) and accessible to all who want to deepen their spiritual connection to the plant with integrative rituals, guidance, and education while staying true to the esoteric form of the tarot we know and love. This is by far, “not your average oracle deck.”
Edge recently released a card for Magic The Gathering titled Ponder as seen below.
What makes this deck truly unique is not just the collaborative effort between two talented black women. The Metaphysical Cannabis Oracle Deck (MCOD) is unprecedented because it’s breaking the mold on what’s expected of the tarot or what’s the norm from an executive at a cannabis company (Maggie’s the CMO of Fruit Slabs — the first vegan and certified kosher edible in California). The deck itself is a love letter about the spiritual journey that so many have found with cannabis who were given relief, hope, joy, and trust thanks to the plant.
Learn more about Liminal 11 here and sign up for the creator's newsletters at artofedge.com and metaphysicalaf.com.
The Metaphysical Cannabis Oracle will be available in the Fall of 2022.
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