Maggie May Wilson
5 min readNov 3, 2020


No matter what happens tomorrow, if Aliens show up or the Pyramids fly away, you can be centered with the healthiest high vibration edible on the market.

Meditation is the act of becoming familiar with our thoughts and feelings to enhance the quality of our human experience.

Developing a meditation practice is crucial but especially now during ‘Pandemonium 2020’ Meditation can help us get beyond the analytical mind. If you are so trapped in a vortex of fear and anxiety that you don’t know what to do, you seriously need to take a step back and sit down and shut the fuck up! But you MUST SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO YOUR INNER GUIDANCE.

It can look whatever way you want because there is no “one size fits all” in meditation work. Meditation can be taking a walk or shower, making a cup of tea, or masturbating.

It’s apparent we are having an influx of content consumption while being in quarantine, so our brain is essentially in hyperdrive mode because the brain doesn’t know what we are watching on social channels isn’t actually happening to us. Meditation can help slow things down. The conscious brain functions in a beta state, beyond beta, which is the first layer of the subconscious called the alpha brain state. When we meditate, we are in an alpha state. With practice, we can slide into theta and delta states and change unwanted programs and patterns of behavior.

Favorite Meditation Techniques

We LOVE to put fresh Eucalyptus in our shower. This act is a “meditation”. See, this can be easy!

We become more familiar with how our body reacts to certain stimuli when we perform acts during the day that are centered around self-care. This helps us notice our subtle bodies surrounding us which are made up of molecular energy particles of light. The bandwagon title of Aura doesn’t truly encompass the layers, literal layers, of bodies you have that extend beyond your physical vessel. The “10” bodies learned in Kundalini Yoga, die deep into what each body holds and how to best maintain a healthy subtle body.

Grabbing a CBD Fruit Slab or a Non-Infused Slab is one of our daily meditations, so here a couple of ways we shake up your normal routine and get back in alignment.

  • Singing Shower Meditations ( Great For The Beginner to Zealot ) — Everyone, literally everyone, has sung or sings in the shower. We are using the voice and the somatic vibrations to enhance our natural state when we sing in the shower. When you sing you open the heart chakra and the throat chakra. Hello love and communication! When we sing period, it is healing but singing and saying Affirmations into the water, which holds memory and carries your intentions much farther is actual magic or quantum physics. Whatever you want to call it.
  • To enhance your experience, enjoy a Mango Maui Wowie Fruit Slabs when you turn on the shower and take your time letting it dissolve around the mucous membranes in your mouth. The coconut flavor will kickstart your body into gear. Then, step into the shower, hopefully with your Eucalyptus, and sing your heart out!

Water carries memory and intention as stated in The Hidden Messages of Water by Dr. Masaru Emoto is a powerful meditation companion. Hold the intention to ask for what you want and take the time to feel what it will be like to have or accomplish “the thing”. Step out of the shower or bath as whatever you wanted has already happened and acted as so. Be that ‘future self’ who has already accomplished what they dreamed of. Envision the water as a ‘cloak of confirmation’. You always have your best ideas in the shower because you are in a natural state of flow and alignment.

Write out affirmations in the shower on paper in the first person. Words are written around the shower such as, “I AM the BEST at my life.” or “I embrace all of my divine delicious power.” can be catalysts in your practice.

Plus, put water-safe crystals at the bottom of the shower to enhance your meditation frequency, place Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Clear Quartz around the edges to form a grid or triangle in the water.

Suggested Chants and Playlists

Prosperity Meditation Chant Playlist on Spotify

Sing Playlist on Spotify

Dance Playlist

ALL Playlists Titled: Do You Consent? All 42+++

Walking Meditation: This type of meditation is literally what you think it is…walking. Dr. Joe Dispenza uses this as a core meditation practice in his workshops and teachings. Walking is the best way to ground yourself if you are feeling heavy about something. “Take a walk to clear your head.”

Our body becomes addicted to the emotions of judgment, anger, and fear because the more we think those thoughts the more stress hormones we produce. In the neurology world, they say, “What fires together, wires together.” This essentially means the more anger and jealousy you fire off, the more your brain will want to fire those neurons and create the stress hormone fueling your intentions.

People are told to “Walk it off” because nature and walking are great for our mental health. We need to be in nature and build up the natural microbes the organism we live on and sustains us, provides limitlessly for us. Have fun with it though, listen to music that will literally make you dance. Chance is literally nobody’s watching except your ancestors and they are your biggest hype men!

Take a beach walk and enjoy some OG Mango with a big glass of water, walk down the beach and just observe what feelings, emotions, (yes, these are different and we will go into this more in an upcoming blog) thoughts and ideas arise. These are clues to enhancing your natural flow and alignment.

Mask’s on — Slabs In!

What’s your favorite way to meditate or get your mind right during the pandemic? Share how Fruit Slabs has helped you for a chance to win a Self Care Care Package.

For custom meditations and a Free PDF on what crystals are toxic in water please visit my website

RECOMMENDED READS: Get off Social Media, the internet, Youtube, and pick up an actual paperback book. I suggest you remember how powerful you really are with this book:

Becoming Supernatural — Dr. Joe Dispenza

Maggie May Wilson
Maggie May Wilson

Written by Maggie May Wilson

Maggie is the a best selling author and cannabis executive in California. She is the world’s 1st Black Female Cannabis Sommelier and Reiki Master Teacher.

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