Podcast Fan Favorite Episode {Transcript} How Psychic Are You?

Maggie May Wilson
23 min readNov 3, 2022


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Welcome back to another episode of Metaphysical AF. This is a fan-favorite episode and the debut episode of the podcast. Enjoy this transcript: to listen to the full episode Click Here

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Originally aired* February 2019

Hi, welcome to my podcast. This is Metaphysical As Fuck. And this podcast is going to be talking about everything that’s beyond the physical. That’s what metaphysical means.

So we’re going to be discussing everything from psychics, reiki, Tarot cards, clairvoyance with Clairaudience, and all the things of what it means to be beyond the physical. I hope you enjoy what I’m going to talk about today because today I’m going to talk about being psychic. And this has been something that’s come up very frequently for me.

For a while. I felt like I tapped into my psychic abilities when I was a very young age. We’re getting into it. This is the real shit. I would see things and know things before they would happen. I would know of people passing away before they were actually gone, and I would know about what people were doing before they were actually going to do it.

Tapping into these abilities is something that we all have. Basically, everyone is psychic, everyone has intuition. And that’s all your psychic abilities are. It’s tapping into your intuition and understanding what it’s telling you and what’s coming through. It’s very exciting. And also it can be very, “I don’t like to say that”, it can be terrifying, and it can be a little overwhelming for some people because we’ve been so conditioned to think that what happens to you and what comes to you through your mind has to all be logical.

Everything has to make sense. And it does make sense, but our perception of sense is skewed. So there’s that.

This podcast is going to be based on the fact that every person is a natural-born clairvoyant or Claireaudient and healer. And with training, practice, and belief, anyone can learn to do effective readings and help the people that are in their lives understand what they’re experiencing and what they’re going on with.

And it really helps you open up to the point of being unafraid of what you are going to say. Clearly, we have people in our universal structure that don’t care what they say (this was in 2019 and Ye was still a problem) and their thoughts and things are displaced all over everyone to ignite confusion on another level and it’s just not productive.

The development of these skills is something that has been taken back for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years. And there are many places that are vortices that most of you are probably listening (reading) to this podcast from. That is an energetic frequency point on the Earth. I just looked at the clock and it was 333. So. when that happens, when you see numbers in sequence or you look at the clock at a specific time every time, that is a physical manifestation of the spiritual representation of what’s around you.

Glastonbury is one of the chakras of the Earth. So if you live in one of the places where the seven chakras are on the Earth, that is also an energetic vortex. And just a quick overview actually, this may not be quick because this is a podcast. So it can really be as long as I fucking want it to be.

The Chakras of the Earth

Start with the first chakra. The base is in Mount Shasta, actually, and I’m going to tell you where the chakras are of the Earth and also where these lay lines of vortexual gates, energetic gates, are supposed to have been supposed to be.

The second chakra is where the sexual energy lies, and that’s in Lake Titicaca in South America.

The Third Chakra lies and Ayers Rock and the Olgas. So if you’re from Australia, your entire frequency is developing with the third chakra of the Earth. So there’s a very powerful energetic frequency there.

The fourth chakra is actually in Glastonbury, which is the heart, and that is near England and Scotland.

And right there in that beautiful part of the world, the fifth chakra is located surprise, surprise, where the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx and the Mount of Olives are. Ancient Egyptian culture is definitely a way if you’re drawn to Egyptian culture, it’s because you’re drawn to Thoth, who is the creator of writing for Egypt, and he was also an Atlantean.

We’re going to talk about that further along in the podcast, we’re going to talk about connecting with energetic spirits and your guides that are guiding you and are talking to you frequently. The books that you resonate with, that you want to read, are books that your guides are giving you, that your angels, and you can call them whatever you want, but the energetic frequencies that are higher than you, that come from source energy as well, but are not physical anymore, yeah, they’re guiding you.

The 6th chakra is actually not at a fixed location. It’s the third eye. So it actually roams. This is also like the Kundalini of the Earth which roams. And the Kundalini of the Earth has been in Tibet for thousands of years and it actually has shifted. And that’s why we are having such a big influx of this divine feminine energy coming in, because the Kundalini of the Earth has shifted, and the Kundalini is now in South America.

And the next, like Buddha or spiritual Mecca type of place where people will go for lots and lots and lots of spiritual healing, is to the south, the southern continent. And we see this now with the influx of and for the past few years, the influx of people traveling to Peru for ayahuasca.

The 6th chakra is not fixed right now, but it’s actually in the same position as where the heart is. So it’s near Glastonbury. So the third eye is focusing on the heart right now. The third eye of the Earth is focusing and shifting and manifesting on the heart right now, which is where we all can definitely benefit from healing.

The 7th chakra is at Mount Kailas. I’m probably saying this wrong. Kalas. K-A-I-L-A-S. It’s in Tibet. So that’s where the 7th chakra is located right now. So chakras one to five are gates one to five.

Chakra seven is gate six because the six chakra moves everywhere. Gates 5, 10, eleven, and twelve are spinner wheels. That means that they’re vortexual spots on the Earth that energetically have a magnitude or a very high frequency. It could be very low frequency. It just depends.

Gate nine is Mount Fuji. Gate eleven is in New Zealand. Gate seven is the Four mountains of Bali. Gate twelve is the Table Mountains of Cape Town, South Africa. I’m just going through the map and reading these. Gate 13 is Moscow. It only opens if the other twelve gates are healthy. So there are 13 gates, which is the number of the Divine Feminine and Taylor Swift. So like, you know that that’s for real.

Gate eight is Palenko and El two, which is like the Yucatan. Gate Ten is the crater Maui, Hawaii.

So back to what we were talking about before. We got on this huge tangent about the chakras of the Earth. Knowing the chakras in your body and working through them really helps gain a sense of clarity and a sense of knowing that the energy that comes through you and around you and that is part of you is reacting to your perception and is reacting to what you’re creating with your mind.

Knowing the psychological balances that happen to your chakras and what developmental stages they form is also something that I’ll be going through in a later episode. I go through that with my private clients. So if you’d like to work through your chakras, that’s definitely something to reach out to and talk about.

So back to the psychic shit. Back to the metaphysical. What is clairvoyance? So clairvoyance means seeing clearly. Seeing clearly, seeing with your eyes. It’s the ability to access and decipher visual information through extrasensory means in the form of images or pictures. It does not involve the eyes, but rather the infinite universe behind the eyes. It’s like your third eye, which you’re looking through when you’re seeing what you’re not actually seeing.

Because our eyes can only see a certain frequency of light on the light spectrum, which is very interesting because there can be things in your vortexual environment that you literally just cannot see because they’re vibrating at a different frequency. Spirits, aliens, whatever. Like there are tons of things.

You can’t see the microwaves, you can’t see the radio waves. Yes, when you access your clairvoyance, you’re using the same mechanics and parts of your brain that are active when you dream or you use your imagination to visualize. If you have the ability to visualize anything, even if it’s something as simple as a square, then you have clairvoyant abilities.

When you perform a clairvoyant reading for someone, tell your ego to step aside. That’s the first thing to do. You relax your logical mind. Relax your logical mind and let information in the form of images appear to you. Often you’ll obtain information that you could not possibly have obtained through logical or physical means. So if you want to learn to do clear point readings, do these with people that you’re already energetically, really close to, people that you have moments of being like, “oh, I didn’t even say that”, and “I thought you knew what I was talking about you.” Family, lovers, people, whoever. Clairvoyance enables you to know people on an extremely intimate level.

People cannot lie to you when you use your clairvoyant abilities, it enables you to tap into the deepest realms of the subconscious mind of yourself and of any creature, including your pets. Automatically you can turn into this master of basically anything. With your spirit as captain and your clairvoyance as your time machine, you basically are a time traveler. You can easily zoom from the past to the future, which is really good at doing it anyway. It’s just being aware that you’re doing that.

How many times a day are you fixated on something that happened in the past? How many times a day are you creating images in your mind of something that happened in the past? How many times a day are you creating images of what you want for your future?

Clairevoyant reading is a form of meditation. Esther Hicks talks about when she first started channeling Abraham, she sat down for months and couldn’t hear anything because she kept telling herself to be quiet. ‘Abraham’ literally started to move her face and move her nose into alphabetical letters so that she was receiving and not thinking. You know, having her logical mind come into it and tell her how she was supposed to be meditating, how she was supposed to be doing whatever.

Through developing your clairvoyance, you’ll access your power in ways you’ve never imagined. I use the word power in the sense of personal power because you literally have source energy vibrating through you. And if you don’t feel powerful, then call me, because I can help you feel powerful. You are. The force runs through you, literally, and you can use it for good or evil. So be Vader or don’t.

Many people have so much fear about what is behind this awareness, this new awareness because it does bring a sense of fear. Fear is a very low vibration that affects us, and it affects everybody in different ways. Many people have so much fear about what’s behind this door of awareness and their own personal power that they just choose to remain in the dark. And, I mean, how many, if you’re not tapping into your psychic abilities if you’re not having these experiences where you’re understanding that people are talking to you that aren’t actually that aren’t physically there?

You’re seeing signs of things, and then those things are happening in the physical form, and you’re understanding that “oh, I knew about that before that happened.” It’s similar to if you’ve ever been somewhere and got deja vu. I mean, it’s not just woohoo or whatever people like to call spiritual shit. And you’re already using your psychic abilities. Every single one of you is.

Many of your thoughts and feelings and bodily sensations and fantasies and anxieties, they’re coming from outside sources other than yourself. We mistakenly believe that they are being generated from our own minds and body. How many times a day do you do something where you just say the same thing, or you answer the phone a certain way, or you end an email a certain way, or you open an email a certain way?

This is a subconscious pattern that you’re just continuing to do. And there are subconscious sensations and feelings and fantasies that have been embedded into our minds that continually play over and over again. For many of us, it’s only when we have a psychic experience that it’s obvious and really clear-cut what is happening and what’s going on.

Psychic abilities are spiritual abilities. So as a spirit, you’re a spirit inside of body. As a spirit, you possess the same qualities that are often attributed to let’s call it, Source/God. You can call it spirit, you can call it the universe. You can call it whatever you want. It doesn’t have to be dogmatic. The thing is that we come from, some thinking stuff, and we’re part of that thinking stuff. So you possess the same qualities of that stuff. Spirits are creative. We are creative beings. That’s what we do. We literally are creators. We’re all-knowing, and we’re omnipresent, which means we can be everywhere at once.

You’re in your car right now, or you’re in your house right now, but you’re with your lover or you’re with your mother or you’re with your best friend. At any point in time, you can bring yourself into that state of, this is who I want to be. This is where I want to be. This is what I want to think. Your spirit has these abilities even when it’s attached to a living body.

So some of these psychic abilities can be classified as clairaudience, transmedianship, telepathy, and Claire sentience. And I’m going to go over each of those in this episode so that you can have a better understanding of what your psychic abilities are.

Clairaudience is the ability to hear the thoughts of other spirits, both with and without bodies. Transmediumship is the ability of your spirit energy to leave your body and bring other spirits into your body. Telepathy is the ability to send and receive thoughts through extrasensory means. Clairsentience is the ability to feel the emotions of others. And clairsentients are empaths. So there’s that.

When used consciously, these psychic abilities can assist you in understanding and healing yourself and others. I like to use the word healing yourself and others lightly because everyone has to take the step to do their own healing. Your own healing can only be initiated within everyone else and is only a catalyst and facilitator for you to do your own healing. So if anyone says they’re balancing your chakras or they’re clearing you out, they’re fucking lying and they don’t know what they’re talking about. This just means that the frequency that they’ve been taught is not the highest frequency for their healing. You still will. The intention is still there for them to heal. But the actual representation and facilitation of that healing cannot happen if you give your power away to someone else thinking they can heal you.

According to our closed-minded society, if you feel pain, there can only be one explanation for it. There must be something wrong within your own body. And of course, we are taught that the only acceptable way to get rid of pain is to wait and see if it disappears or go to the doctor and take medication or undergo some kind of operation.

Clairvoyance does not involve the intellect. The only way to develop it is through direct practice. So you can throw yourself into readings without having any preconceived notion of what’s going to happen for the first few days or hours. Everybody advances differently. So this could take hours, it could take days, it could take weeks, it could take months. Who knows? You could be talking to, like, Michael Jackson tomorrow, or you could be talking to those tomorrow.

If you want to connect with the spirit, with a guide, with a transformational being, you can do it. Just we’ll go over that too. You can do it. It’s an excellent way to build confidence as a psychic, basically, because you’re beginning as a student, you have very little trust in what you’re looking at and even less courage to speak up about it. So sit in your house and do these things and reach out.

Reach out to me, tweet me, tell me, @wilsonmaggieaf, what’s up? Tell me about how you’ve had psychic abilities and what’s happened to you and all these things that just don’t make sense, or they do make sense to you. Most people assume that every thought in their head is their own. But sometimes that really can’t be further from the truth. Sometimes you can go back and read something you’ve written or listen to something that you’ve said in a video where you’re just in a state of flow that you’re like, “wow, I didn’t know who that was.” “I didn’t even know I said that!”

Have you ever been struggling with a question and just when you’re about to give up all hope, something flies into your mind? Where do you think that came from? Sometimes we really don’t give ourselves enough credit. And if you think you’re being selfish, you’re fucking not because you don’t give yourself enough credit. Be more full of yourself. Be self-full, not selfish. You probably notice that people that you’re very closely connected to, can finish your sentences or ask questions that you were about to ask.

This is a great lesson in clairaudience, transmediumship, and telepathy because several times you can go throughout your day and see where these things come up for you. So you don’t have to rewind remember, a transmediumship is the ability to where somebody else is talking through you. This is what the secret is. The law of attraction.

Esther and Abraham Hicks

Abraham is the name of the energetic frequency that it labeled itself so that people would be able to understand and attribute it to a biblical name as well and be more open to the teachings of this woman. Being a medium and being a psychic, if you like The Secret, you’re literally listening to the channelings of a psychic. So if you don’t believe in psychics, you don’t believe in the Law of Attraction. You don’t believe in the secret.

Telepathy is the ability to send and receive thoughts through extra-sensory emotions and means. Clear sentience is the ability to feel the emotions of others and clairaudience’s the ability to hear the audience, the ability to hear other people’s thoughts, and spirits, with or without bodies. It’s like the ability to feel like, who’s that person on X Men that can feel like, oh, it’s Jean Gray. Right? Doesn’t she wear gloves or some shit because she can feel it? I don’t know. I don’t remember. Then transmediumship is the ability to use your body for other people to come through.

Now a little bit about just what Clairsentience is. Clairsentience is paying attention to the bodily sensations that happen to you during everyday life. This is a type of Clairsentient, precognition, basically, that you can be so aware of your environment that you can be so aware of how you feel in your environment that you project a literal bubble around yourself. I mean, like, no, not a bubble. It’s like an egg orb around your entire it expands like frickin 10ft out.

It’s literally just like imagining if Beyonce walked into the bank that you were in. You would be like, damn, the fucking room just got brighter some shit. So that’s what I like to tell people, is, you know, get that Beyonce light. That is your use of that Orb field as how to feel out what’s around you. When you do go into a room and you see something or hear something, you don’t even see it. You feel it. You straight up feel it. That you’re not taking that on. You are simply observing that. And through observing that, you are transmuting that for whoever is sending out that vibration. Take heed not to. There’s no fear. Don’t be frightened about anything. If you’re having these things happen to you, don’t be afraid. That’s the most wonderful part is that literally, we live in a universe. It’s all love. It really is. It’s all love. It’s all love. Just focus on yourself. Figure out what you’re doing. Figure out what makes you happy and do it.

Because do you think that a cognizant capable spirit that can incarnate inside of another vessel and know that it’s inside that vessel and not that vessel would set itself up to fail? No way. No way.

We wouldn’t have come here if we knew we were going to fail. Why would that make sense?

This is not going to end like Game of Thrones (now House of The Dragon). I heard that guy who plays Jon Snow, Kit Harington, told his wife how Game of Thrones ends and she didn’t speak to him for three days. So brace yourself because that’s where you’re going to get to feel all these emotions of the world ending. Because our world is not going to end. Because our world’s not going to end. We got this shit. We don’t come this far. But brace yourself because in Game of Thrones, pretty sure the bad guys are going to win. That seems to be an ongoing theme.

Shout out to the empath. Y’all can feel like, here we are. We’re talking about, y’all, people who realize their empaths have this, like, overwhelming empathic reaction to it. People who feel things for other people really feel things. So they get really excited for you whenever you tell them about your accomplishments. And they feel really sad whenever you tell them about your downfalls. And they cry with you and they smile with you, and they’re those people for you. And when they realize that they have that ability, they’re like, “oh, fuck yeah. Fuck yeah. I’m that shit.” And just calm down empath. We’re all there with you.

The most powerful aspect of this new awareness that is the best is that rather than being a victim to whatever sensations you’re having, whether that’s stress, whether that’s fear, rather than being a victim to it, have the ability to sort out which feelings are yours and which belong to other people, and you don’t have to be around anybody. It could literally be what you’re watching. Then you’re able to alleviate some unpleasant sensations that come up for you during different things. You can get physical representations of feeling things around you. One that I personally have had was I was in Los Angeles at the time, and I was going to eat somewhere, and I felt this enormous pain in my foot. And I was like, oh, my God. I knew immediately that it wasn’t my pain. And I was like, this isn’t a pain. That is not from me because it just felt like a big pressure and tingling. It felt like my foot was being crushed, literally. And my partner and I pulled out of where we were in Culver City at the time, and we pulled out of the driveway onto the street, and within the next block, there was a car accident. And this car had the front end of the passenger side smashed in. And it’s when I got in the car that my foot started to hurt, and I was like, “oh, my God, my foot. Why does my foot hurt?” And right down the street, someone had gotten in a car accident. And I literally just, like, sat there and gave myself Reiki and gave them Reiki because we drove by the accident and knew that it wasn’t my pain. But I mean, all pain is everyone's pain because we’re all connected to the same thing.

Another indicator that you’re picking up on something is if the emotion is coming from an outside source, if there’s, like, no logical cause for the emotion. If you were just like, “I was just sitting there, and then just out of nowhere, I started crying and started blowing my eyes out,” like, yeah, you picked up on something.

You picked up on someone else’s intense energy. Not the same thing, but you have to protect yourself, and you don’t even know that you have to protect yourself because you are so empathic that you just want to be of service to others so much that you literally just bleed out empathy. You feel like you pick up on it. Confusion, disorientation and literally not being able to think are signs that someone else’s thoughts are in your head.

Please do more research than just Google. Get a book. Go to the fucking library and look at the books that are in the spiritual section, in the New Age section, and there’s shit there that you’re going to want to get deep into.

If you are having the ability for spirits to come in and talk through you, you are being a psychic medium. If you are having the ability to hear other thoughts of spirits that don’t have bodies, you are a clear audience psychic. If you have the ability to send and receive thoughts through extra sense remains, you’re also telepathic. And if you have the ability to feel the emotions of others, instead of saying you’re an empath, you are clairsentient. You’re a psychic. You’re a psychic that feels shit. So how do you protect yourself? How do you not feel, I mean, sometimes you want to not feel shit.

Not to say you don’t want to feel shit, but sometimes you want to go into a room, and not going out in public is very common, like a very core common wound that makes you feel like it’s overwhelming to go out. You can protect yourself in a few different ways of basically using your own self as a space, as a sacred space. You are a sacred space. You live inside the vessel. So treat it right. Do it good. Take care of it, love it, nurture it, give it that good, good.

You can do a couple of things to protect yourself energetically. You can use sage, incense, or Florida water to create an ionic atmosphere around you that energetically charges your entire vibrational frequency of you. This is with the intention and saying out loud that you only want the highest frequencies, the highest beings beneficial to your highest good to come through at the time, at any point, whenever you go out.

Whatever I experience today, I only want to feel the things that are of my highest good, and anything else that doesn’t feel like it’s my highest good, it’s not mine. And I can let that go, and I can be protected from that.

And you get to a point where you really don’t feel like you’re having to do this. Protection, it’s just a natural part of your everyday frequency to just emit a giant beam, your Beyonce egg of white, golden, whatever light that resonates to whatever color that resonates to you, whatever frequency, whatever you want, it’s yours. It looks however you want it to look, but it looks damn good. Like, you look really good, girl, real good.

And you create this sacred space around yourself, not in an egoic manner of, nothing can touch me, blah, blah blah. No. I am an extension of source energy, and every single thing that I encounter is also an extension of source energy. They’re not higher above me. They’re not lower above me. They’re not in front of me, they’re not behind me. It is what it is.

Another thing you can do to protect yourself is where certain crystals wear, certain malas. Crystals have spirits just like plants do. So if you have a garden and you believe that your plants grow better whenever you communicate and work with them, crystals have been on this planet longer than plant spirits have. So crystals have a spirit as well as a consciousness that is very beneficial for us to tap into and use. And sometimes you lose crystals, sometimes they break. It’s just part of working with them. They’re just like plants. They’re just like people. They’re just like any other consciousness. They like to be spoken to and talked to and chatted with and loved on and hugged on and taken baths with.

But be careful, don’t just go put any crystal in the bathtub. Like there’s some toxic shit that can happen. So I’ll talk about that on another podcast. But, yeah, love your crystals, work with them.

Ask yourself every day if you feel a certain way when you’re about to go somewhere before you leave your house, look through your crystal collection, and consciously telepathically. Just talk to them and be like, hey, who wants to come with me today? And you will be drawn to the crystals that you need for that day.

And I highly, highly, highly recommend getting a Mala. I have two amazing people that I have Malas from that are just, they’re beautiful, they’re made with intention. The first one is my friend Sal, who does improbable reality, and you can find her on Instagram and you can get a Mala from her. She’s created Malas for myself and my twin flame, and they are just so powerful, so beautiful, and truly, truly cherished.

The other is Staying Grounded malas @stayinggrounded, which you can find on Instagram. He creates so many beautiful, powerful malas that are super intensely charged and very vibrationally upgraded. So gather put on your necklace and get those messages from your ancestors, honey!

Like, adorn yourself and kings adorn yourselves. That’s a way of protecting yourself. Set yourself up to be the kings and the queens, the emperors and empresses that walk around and lift your head, you know, put your head up high like you’ve got this. You know, you wouldn’t have these psychic abilities, you wouldn’t have these powers coming to you if you couldn’t handle them.

You’re never given anything more than you can handle, you know that? Haven’t you gotten through everything so far? You’re never given more than you can handle.

And yeah, I think that definitely ends on that note with your protection, use your crystals, use your earth elements, fire, water, air, Earth-like, use those around you in ritual and ceremony and your daily practice, whatever that may look like for you. But spend at least five minutes with yourself, just breathing, disconnecting, just listening to yourself, and asking that you be a clear channel and that any messages that need to come to you, come to you.

And that only messages that are of your highest good come through because that’s what you want to work on. That’s what you are working on. You are is just good. So have a wonderful day, and night, and wherever you are, and give yourself more credit. Byyyyyye.

You’ve just read a transcript of the episode “What Type of Psychic Are You?” from the Metaphysical Af podcast with Maggie Wilson. To become a sponsor email us at metaphysicalaf@gmail.com — for exclusive meditation practices, and journal prompts, sign up on Patreon at patreon.com/metaphysicalaf.

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Maggie May Wilson
Maggie May Wilson

Written by Maggie May Wilson

Maggie is the a best selling author and cannabis executive in California. She is the world’s 1st Black Female Cannabis Sommelier and Reiki Master Teacher.

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